Planning & Design

Pond's team of fuel systems engineers, planners, and prior operators stands as a beacon of excellence in delivering comprehensive planning, assessment, and design services tailored to the unique needs of clients in the energy sector. Our team of seasoned professionals is dedicated to providing industry-leading solutions to address the evolving challenges faced by fuel system operators. Our team excels in fuel system planning, strategically navigating the intricacies of project initiation, regulatory compliance, cost programming, and long-term sustainability. We collaborate closely with clients to develop detailed, actionable plans that align with their operational goals, encompassing fuel storage, distribution, and dispensing infrastructure. Our highly trained experts employ advanced methodologies to assess the condition and performance of fuel systems comprehensively. Whether evaluating storage tank integrity, identifying corrosion risks, or conducting geohazard assessments, we take a meticulous examination approach to uncover potential issues and enhance overall system reliability. The heart of our service lies in our innovative approach to fuel system design. Pond's engineers leverage cutting-edge technologies and industry best practices to create customized designs that optimize efficiency, safety, and environmental compliance. From bulk storage facilities to fueling stations, we deliver designs that align with regulatory standards and operational excellence.


  • Fuel System Master Planning
  • Operations and Maintenance Planning
  • Integrity Management Plans
  • Environmental Impact Assessments
  • Fire Protection Assessment & Design
  • Regulatory Compliance Audits
  • Risk-Based Inspection (RBI) Support
  • Emergency Response Planning
  • Geotechnical Assessments
  • Full-Service, In-House Design
  • Construction Management & Oversite

Systems Components

  • Bulk Fuel Storage
  • Containment and Drainage
  • Loading Racks and Receiving
  • Hydrant and Distribution
  • Pump and Filtration Stations
  • Marine Loading & Unloading
  • Terminal Automation
  • Pipeline Injection
  • Cathodic Protection
  • Vehicle Dispensing
  • Glycol & Deicing

Featured Projects
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