Facility Assessments/Due Diligence
Pond performed numerous facility assessments, facility planning projects, cathodic protection (CP) and integrity assessments, and environmental Phase 1 assessments for a confidential client in over ten jet fuel storage facilities across the country.

The facilities included jet fuel storage tanks, truck loading/unloading facilities, pipeline receipt and issue facilities, along with the ancillary pumps, piping, filtration, valves, truck containment infrastructure, and facility containment. These assessments include facility planning, future capacity analysis, fitness for service, code compliance, efficiency, and operational analyses.

Pond’s team of mechanical, electrical, civil, structural, CP engineers and project managers traveled to the project sites, collected documentation, as-built drawings, CP data, and field information such as dimensions, observations of coatings, observations of facilities for code compliance, operational efficiency, and safety.

Pond then produced deficiency reports, summary reports with recommendations, planning documents, design documents and total installed cost estimates with contingency for upgrades, repairs and modifications to the facilities for the client’s use in the construction of the repairs and recommendations. Pond reviewed these documents with the client, made adjustments after coordination, and issued final documents.
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