Facility Repairs
As the foundation of Pond’s oil and gas business, our team of experts adds value to every tank and terminal design project. Whether it is a new terminal or facility, or the need for repairs, upgrades, maintenance, or inspection services, our responsive planning and designs are essential to achieving the goals of today’s clients, and Pond has the experience and passion to deliver. Our highly trained and specialized professionals bring a wide range of design experience across vast locations around the country, allowing our team to adapt to any site. From simple metering and regulation to line heaters, multi-run pressure and flow control, and chromatograph sampling, Pond’s in-house capabilities provide expertise and deliver solutions to any liquids, gas, or alternative bio-fuel projects. Through traditional design, design-build, or other delivery methods that meet commercial procurement standards and requirements, Pond puts an emphasis on exceptional design, cost control, quality, and schedule.
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