Greensboro Butane
Pond was selected by Colonial Pipeline to establish a robust infrastructure for handling butane receipt, storage, blending, and distribution, while also providing necessary support facilities for operational and safety requirements.

This project included the installation of the greenfield facility which handles a capacity of 60,000 barrels per day and features four lanes for truck receipt. A 41,000-barrel sphere was installed for storing butane. Additionally, two pumps with a capacity of 1,680 gallons per minute each were installed for blending purposes. The blended product is injected into the existing 36-inch inbound gasoline pipeline.

The support facilities include a 2,600-square-foot building that was constructed to serve as operational headquarters, a 150-square-foot modular laboratory, and a duplex modular fire pump station system with a capacity of 5,000 gallons per minute installed for fire protection.
Project Photos
Colonial Pipeline
Greensboro, Texas
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