PHMSA Compliance

Pond offers comprehensive compliance-driven solutions. We partner with gas owners and operators to consult, educate, and provide services such as design, integrity and risk assessments, and field services for transmission pipelines. Through the Pipeline and Hazardous Materials Safety Administration (PHMSA) and its new criteria requirements, our team works closely with owners and operators to gather data focusing on safety standards and procedures. We help mitigate risk by maintaining pipeline operations to safety for the community, the environment, and nearby infrastructure. As part of our services, we focus on MAOP Reconfirmation and Medium Consequence Areas (MCA) as prioritized by PHMSA and Pond.


Design Services

  • Due Diligence Assessments
  • Hydrostatic Test Designs and Plans
  • Pipeline and Pig Trap Design
  • Repair Designs
  • Geohazard and Seismic Analysis
  • Cathodic Protection Design
  • Alternating Current (AC) Interference Study, Modeling, and Design

Integrity and Risk Assessments

  • Due Diligence Assessments
  • Risk Ranking/Modeling
  • Compliance Logic for Gathering Pipelines
  • Piggability Studies
  • ILI Support (turnkey)
  • ILI Pipeline Data Analysis
  • Pipeline Integrity Threat Assessment
  • Material Verification (in-situ and laboratory)
  • HCA and MCA Assessments
  • IMP Development, Review, and Updates
  • Audit Support
  • Pipeline Repair Method Recommendations
  • Fitness for Service
  • Gap Analysis Assessments (TVC, Compliance)
  • Data Gathering and Integration

Field Services

  • Due Diligence Assessments
  • Confirmatory and Bellhole Inspections
  • Non-Destructive Examination (NDE)
  • IMP Baseline Inspections
  • Post-Weather Event Inspections
  • Pipeline Coating Inspections
  • External Coating Assessment (DCVG and ACVG)
  • Clost Interval Potential Survey
  • Cathodic Protection Survey
  • Cathodic Protection Troubleshoot and Remediation
  • External Corrosion Survey and Data Analysis
  • Soil Corrosivity and pH Testing and Analysis
  • Data Gathering and Integration 

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