Pepsi Production Facility Expansion
Pond’s all-in-house, multidisciplinary design team provided engineering services for Pepsi’s 260,000-square-foot expansion of its beverage manufacturing and warehousing operations in Tucker, Georgia. The expansion designs to the existing PepsiCo Beverages facility encompassed multiple areas for a new 550,000-square-foot overall footprint. The project added a new four-bay fleet maintenance building with an integral eight-lane truck entrance/exit and security office. Once completed, the expansion will increase Pepsi’s local production by 400% by 2025, making the facility one of the company’s largest.

The project includes associated site improvements and warehouse and manufacturing expansion of the existing facility to support new production lines. Current operations house the existing bottling facility, warehousing, picking, sales, fleet maintenance, and management personnel. The expansion adds production/bottling, syrup room, lab room, a refrigerated concentrate room, mechanical and electrical rooms, and maintenance areas.

Pond, acting as an extension of the client’s team, facilitated the coordination meetings. Our team led the design charrette, site investigation, and development of the basis of the design. Our team coordinated with equipment manufacturers for the bottling lines and downstream packaging systems to develop general arrangements, component identification, flow of personnel and materials, utility loads, quantities, connection locations, controls, and sanitation requirements. Pond substantiated the preliminary site layout plan and property survey and performed necessary studies, design, and permitting for grading, pavement, stormwater management, erosion, sediment control, earthwork, and modifications to utility infrastructure.
Project Photos
SPARC Design Group | PepsiCo Beverages North America
Tucker, Georgia
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