Zonolite Park Stream Restoration
Pond is collaborating with DeKalb County Recreation, Parks, and Cultural Affairs (RPCA) to undertake the restoration, management, and enhancement of water resources within Zonolite Park. This comprehensive project encompasses designing solutions for the banks of the South Fork of Peachtree Creek and an unnamed perennial tributary, aiming to restore, repair, and prevent erosion while enhancing stormwater flows. Proposed design improvements include, but are not limited to, realigning the existing unnamed tributary that feeds into the South Fork of Peachtree Creek, stabilizing the South Fork Peachtree Creek, relocating park amenities such as trails and pedestrian bridges, constructing an enhanced drainage cell, and extending an existing culvert. Additionally, we are currently designing solutions to facilitate heavy equipment access into the park for construction and maintenance purposes, adjusting existing elevations at the stormwater sewer outflow adjacent to Floataway Café to mitigate flooding in the parking lot during heavy storm events, and providing pedestrian access across the South Fork Peachtree Creek to access the park property on the southwest side of the creek. In tandem with the technical design and permitting processes, Pond has collaborated closely with RPCA to conduct a robust regulatory and stakeholder engagement process. This has included numerous informational sessions to ensure active engagement and input from the community and other stakeholders throughout the design phase. Moreover, as part of the restoration project, we are exploring the feasibility of trail connections between Zonolite Park, Herbert Taylor Park, and Emory University’s Candler fields. This study builds upon the South Fork Conservancy’s BeltLine to Emory Study completed in February 2023 and will be integrated into that document as an addendum. The primary objectives of this study are to assess connections between the parks and athletic fields mentioned, evaluate potential stream crossing points (if necessary), identify pedestrian street crossing locations, determine trail marker placements, and pinpoint locations for informational signage. Expanding upon the South Fork Conservancy: Beltline to Emory Study, we have examined various route alternatives with a focus on minimizing environmental impacts and engaging stakeholders in the decision-making process.
Project Photos
Dekalb County Recreation, Parks and Cultural Affairs (RCPA)
Atlanta, GA
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