Little Wekiva River Restoration
The Wekiva River system, one of two rivers in Florida with a federal Wild and Scenic designation, includes springs, tributaries, wetlands, and forest areas. Little Wekiva River flows into this main system and is a 15-mile-long stretch running through Seminole and Orange County.

Over the years, Little Wekiva River has encountered erosion issues from nearby development and construction as the crowded metro Orlando and Seminole County areas around the river have grown. Seminole County has begun efforts to tackle this concern through a restoration project plan. Pond provided inspection and permitting support services on the Little Wekiva River Restoration project for the St. Johns River Water Management District (SJRWMD).

Pond’s team provided restoration design services, including invasive species removal and native vegetation plantings, sediment removal, construction of meanders, and bank stabilization. Pond facilitated meetings with the client, design team, and restoration contractor for this project. We also provided site inspections to monitor the installation of the proposed restoration and enhancement prescriptions, permit compliance observation, and report to necessary entities such as the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers (USACE). In addition to providing design services, the Pond team was responsible for permitting support.
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