Effingham County Stormwater Master Plan
Pond has undertaken the task of updating the stormwater master plan for Effingham County. This initiative is geared towards supporting a range of activities within the county, including residential, commercial, and industrial endeavors.

Additionally, the plan aims to facilitate the efficient coordination of Capital Improvement Projects while preparing to expand the Municipal Separate Storm Sewer System (MS4) program. Several vital tasks have been outlined to achieve these objectives.

These include evaluating the current state of infrastructure, conducting stormwater quantity and quality modeling using the Personnel Computer Storm Water Management Model (PCSWMM), performing watershed analyses, assessing the conditions and risks associated with significant assets, developing control standards, formulating rehabilitation and expansion plans, engaging stakeholders, and forecasting cash flow needs.

The Effingham County-wide master plan encompasses various elements, with a notable aspect being the development of PCSWMM models for the 14 HUC 12 watersheds within the county. These watersheds encompass portions of the St. Augustine Creek and Black Creek watersheds. T

hrough meticulous planning and analysis, Pond endeavors to enhance stormwater management practices in Effingham County, thereby contributing to its overall resilience and sustainable development.
Project Photos
Effingham County
Effingham County, GA
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