Greenfield E-Beam and X-Ray Facility
Arthrex turned to Pond for complete architecture, engineering, and construction administration services when they decided to vertically integrate their E-Beam and X-ray sterilization capability by constructing a new adjacent to their current manufacturing campus.

Arthrex selected IBA Industrial Solution’s unique E-Beam and X-Ray Rhodotron accelerator as the preferred technology for the irradiation sterilization facility. Pond and IBA’s teams worked collaboratively to ensure that the new E-Beam investment was well coordinated through the planning and detailed design phases, including permitting and construction of the concrete vault, Rhodotron installation, and operations start-up and commissioning.

The Greenfield E-Beam and X-ray sterilization facility is a standalone facility that includes the IBA Rhodotron support rooms for mechanical, electrical, and control systems. The balance of the facility contains Arthrex’s additional areas for offices, break rooms, restrooms, and significant shipping/receiving warehousing space to support the operations throughout.

The physicist’s radiation containment shield is a concrete vault with 8-foot-thick reinforced walls and ceilings on deep foundations. Our custom design is used to construct the IBA Rhodotron sterilization equipment room. High-end interior finishes and architectural elements were designed into many aspects of the project to achieve the client’s standards for clean, high-quality environments for their medical products.

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