
Product safety is paramount in the pharmaceutical industry. Pond's architects and engineers are experienced in FDA, USDA, and EPA regulations required in CFR Title 21 Food and Drugs cGMP or BSL facility. We provide the specialized engineering services needed to design, implement, and optimize pharmaceutical and biotechnology facilities. Whether it is laboratory planning, cleanroom design, filling, manufacturing, utilities, or sterilizing, we prioritize your mission of patient safety and the operational mandate of regulatory compliance. We begin projects with our process engineering specialist, creating the optimum process flow diagram to support your product lines or laboratory manufacturing. We approach a project focused on customized concepts and detailed designs that allow a seamless transition to implementation, validation, and operational success. Utilizing best practices of separate process flow, material flow, waste flow, and personnel flow to achieve the most efficient cleanrooms while still having access maintenance access to utilities and filters provides human and animal pharmaceutical manufacturers with highly efficient facility operations. Continuously operating 24/7 processing areas are provided with redundant utilities and equipment to keep these important products available and produced within regulatory cGMP compliance. Pond’s architects, engineers and construction management delivery provide a seamless project delivery model.

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