Smyrna, Village Green Park
Following the adoption of the Smyrna BOLD Downtown Master Plan Update (which Pond completed in 2020), Pond was hired to complete a conceptual design phase for the first of two new downtown public greenspaces. This project phase had an extensive public engagement plan consisting of numerous in-person community meetings and multiple online data-collection platforms.

Ultimately, a preferred concept design was developed and approved by the council in the fall of 2021. Following approval, Pond moved into design development and permitting of both new greenspaces. The larger space resides where a large traffic circle has been removed. Design elements for both greenspaces include flexible lawn spaces, wide sidewalks, flexible plaza areas, shade structures, water features, play elements, and all associated utilities and stormwater infrastructure.

The smaller of the two spaces lies just across the street from our larger greenspace. They are connected by an elevated, shared street for seamless accessibility between the two spaces. Both spaces are an excellent example of how catalyst sites identified during a master planning effort can be brought to life and have major impacts on the city.
Project Photos
City of Smyrna
Smyrna, GA
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