Fresno Yosemite Airport VR Services for FAA Siting and Safety Assessment
Pond, in partnership with RS&H, was contracted to provide virtual reality (VR) services for the FAA Siting and Safety Assessment Panel for the new air traffic control tower (ATCT) for Fresno Yosemite Airport in Frenso, California.

Pond’s UrbanViz (VR) Team has been certified by the FAA’s Vista Team to provide virtual reality services integral to the siting process which is a requirement of the FAA to determine the optimum height and location of the new ATCT. UrbanViz created a virtual recreation of the airport, runways, taxiways, and surrounding landscape, as well as a template for the new ATCT, to simulate real-time working conditions.

The air traffic manager wears the 3D VR headset to review each site to determine ATCT control positions, line of sight obstructions and mitigation, review predetermined arrivals/departures/taxiing, as well as many other requirements to determine the best location to provide adequate and operational safety for the new ATCT.
Project Photos
Person wearing 3D VR headset
Person wearing 3D VR headset
Woman instructing another woman about 3D VR headset
Fresno Yosemite Airport
Fresno, CA
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