Crabapple Connector & Roundabout
Pond led the design of the Crabapple Connector which included a roundabout at Bethany Bend/Bethany Way at Hopewell Road. On the surface, the Crabapple Connector appears to be mostly about providing congestion relief for those who drive through the City of Milton.

In reality, this project is much more dynamic for Milton's citizens and visitors, providing critical walkability connections to the east side of downtown, access to planned developments in the city, and reinforcing a sense of place for the community. Through the city's placemaking plan, the downtown area was identified as an auto-centric roadway network that lacked pedestrian accessibility and required a sense of community. This, coupled with growing traffic congestion at the existing crossroads intersection of Birmingham Hwy/Crabapple Road/Broadwell Road/Mayfield Road, created the need for the Crabapple Connector project.

The City of Milton selected Pond to provide a context-sensitive design solution to address these dynamic needs. Pond began by completing a traffic analysis and evaluating different intersection solutions, resulting in the selection of the roundabout for better traffic flow and improved vehicular and pedestrian safety. In addition to the roundabout, the project includes ADA features at the roundabout and sidewalks along the new connector. On-street parking is also included along the connector, creating an additional buffer between sidewalk locations and vehicular traffic that enhances pedestrians' actual and perceived safety.

Pond worked with the city to evaluate design elements that would establish a unique sense of place. A centerpiece horse statue proudly stands in the center of the roundabout, honoring the city's equestrian heritage while memorializing beloved city employee Mark Law. This project is a great example of how a context-sensitive design can transform an otherwise simple intersection improvement project to benefit the community, with improved traffic operations, enhanced vehicular and pedestrian safety, supported planned development, and creates a distinct sense of place.
Project Photos
City of Milton
Milton, GA
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