JTA University & Merrill Roundabout Design
Pond was selected by the Jacksonville Transportation Authority (JTA) to design a turbo roundabout, the first of its kind in the southeast, to replace the existing intersection of University Boulevard and Merrill Road in Jacksonville, Florida. This project was identified as part of the JTA MobilityWorks Complete Streets Initiative.

The JTA MobilityWorks program targets safety, mobility, and accessibility improvements within a quarter of a mile of JTA's highest ridership transit corridors. The Complete Streets program is designed to identify pedestrian, bicycle, and automobile safety concerns and develop plans to improve safety and provide multi-modal connections along the corridor.

As part of this design project, Pond performed analysis of the roundabout and other intersection improvements and conducted extensive community outreach. Project tasks included roadway and drainage design, permitting, pavement design, landscape design, utility coordination, right-of-way acquisition, and public involvement, including a public hearing.

This project required coordination with Flotida Department of Transportation (FDOT) and the City of Jacksonville (COJ) as both initially had right-of-way interests. FDOT deeded the necessary right of way to COJ so this became a local project.
Project Photos
Jacksonville Transportation Authority
Jacksonville, FL
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