City of Johns Creek, Town Center Master Plan
Johns Creek selected Pond to develop a town center master plan for the Technology Park campus. The 192-acre study area was identified in the most recent comprehensive plan as the preferred location for a destination town center.

Imagine Remarkable: The Town Center Plan was adopted Fall of 2021 and incorporated a robust public engagement process that has garnered several hundred comments and high participation numbers during our four-day virtual charrette. The focus was on creating a dynamic mixed-use environment unique to the region. The size of the study area led to a series of “neighborhoods” linked around the existing ponds and an expanded open space and trail network.

Catalytic sites for redevelopment helped create a phased approach over time to help realize the town center vision. Scenario planning helped the team determine the best development strategy. This project won a 2022 Georgia Planning Association Award for Outstanding Planning Process.
Project Photos
City of Johns Creek
Johns Creek, GA
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