Aircraft Parking Apron, Lighting, and Taxiway Repairs, Burlington, VT
Pond provided comprehensive design and construction administration services to meet F-35 operational requirements for the 158th Fighter Wing, Vermont Air National Guard. Pond designed three replacement projects for airfield pavements, addressing concrete deterioration and failure, and developed cost estimates for each component to validate final DD Form 1391s for SAF/IE approval.

The apron work included full-depth repair of over 74,000 square yards of Portland Cement Concrete (13” PCC) and Asphalt Cement Concrete (ACC) on the North/South aprons with slip-form PCC paving. Taxiway D (25,200 SY) and Taxiway F (47,200 SY) work comprised full-depth repair of PCC (13” PCC) and ACC, along with asphalt shoulders. New taxiway edge lights and airfield lighting circuits were installed.

For the apron, our team designed high-mast lighting, conducting a photometric analysis to determine fixture placement, height, and quantity to meet required lighting levels by UFC 3-535-01. We installed four 120-foot steel poles with two LED fixtures per pole and included obstruction lighting, controlled manually, by photocell, and timeclock, as needed. All lighting met applicable UFC requirements.

During construction, we provided full Title II services, including on-site airfield pavement construction inspection. Our team ensured compliance with DoD pavement specifications and FAA Part 77 clear zone requirements. We managed Federal Aviation Administration (FAA)-required documents for runway relocations and coordinated FAA check flights for instrument approach verification/validation.

Pond collaborated with the Government and general contractor to establish a method for acceptance package submittals and streamlining procedures for corrective action plans and payments. Additionally, Pondcollected and reviewed hundreds of batch tickets for compliance with airfield pavement production. Pond managed documentation for the Government, including submittals, RFIs, and daily reports, and prepared a construction phasing safety report addressing various coordination aspects, operations, wildlife management, and utility coordination.
Project Photos
Vermont Air National Guard
Burlington, VT
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